textObjTextConversionFailedErr = -29583 textObjObjectTooSmallErr = -29582 textObjBufferTooSmallErr = -29581 textObjInvalidIndexErr = -29580 kCollateInvalidCollationRef = -29507 kCollateBufferTooSmall = -29506 kCollateInvalidChar = -29505 kCollatePatternNotFoundErr = -29504 kCollateUnicodeConvertFailedErr = -29503 kCollateMissingUnicodeTableErr = -29502 kCollateInvalidOptions = -29501 kCollateAttributesNotFoundErr = -29500 kMPInvalidIDErr = -29299 kMPInsufficientResourcesErr = -29298 kMPTaskAbortedErr = -29297 kMPTimeoutErr = -29296 kMPDeletedErr = -29295 kMPNanokernelNeedsMemoryErr = -29294 kMPBlueBlockingErr = -29293 kUCOutputBufferTooSmall = -25340 •Output buffer too small for Unicode string result printerStatusOpCodeNotSupportedErr = -25280 •Possible errors from the PrinterStatus bottleneck pmRecvEndErr = -13005 •during receive pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection pmRecvStartErr = -13004 •during receive pmgr did not start hs pmSendEndErr = -13003 •during send pmgr did not finish hs pmSendStartErr = -13002 •during send pmgr did not start hs pmReplyTOErr = -13001 •Timed out waiting for reply pmBusyErr = -13000 •Power Mgr never ready to start handshake telNotEnoughdspBW = -10116 •not enough real-time for allocation telBadSampleRate = -10115 •incompatible sample rate telBadSWErr = -10114 •Software not installed properly telDetAlreadyOn = -10113 •detection is already turned on telAutoAnsNotOn = -10112 •autoAnswer in not turned on telValidateFailed = -10111 •telValidate failed telBadProcID = -10110 •invalid procID telDeviceNotFound = -10109 •device not found telBadCodeResource = -10108 •code resource not found telInitFailed = -10107 •initialization failed telNoCommFolder = -10106 •Communications/Extensions ƒ not found telUnknownErr = -10103 •unable to set config telNoSuchTool = -10102 •unable to find tool with name specified telBadFunction = -10091 •bad msgCode specified telPBErr = -10090 •parameter block error bad format telCANotDeflectable = -10082 •CA not 'deflectable' telCANotRejectable = -10081 •CA not 'rejectable' telCANotAcceptable = -10080 •CA not 'acceptable' telTermNotOpen = -10072 •terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm telStillNeeded = -10071 •terminal driver still needed by someone else telAlreadyOpen = -10070 •terminal already open telNoCallbackRef = -10064 •no call back reference was specified but is required telDisplayModeNotSupp = -10063 •display mode not supported by tool telBadDisplayMode = -10062 •bad display mode specified telFwdTypeNotSupp = -10061 •forward type not supported by tool telDNTypeNotSupp = -10060 •DN type not supported by tool telBadRate = -10059 •bad rate specified telBadBearerType = -10058 •bad bearerType specified telBadSelect = -10057 •unable to select or deselect DN telBadParkID = -10056 •bad park id specified telBadPickupGroupID = -10055 •bad pickup group ID specified telBadFwdType = -10054 •bad fwdType specified telBadFeatureID = -10053 •bad feature ID specified telBadIntercomID = -10052 •bad intercom ID specified telBadPageID = -10051 •bad page ID specified telBadDNType = -10050 •DN type invalid telConfLimitExceeded = -10047 •attempt to exceed switch conference limits telCBErr = -10046 •call back feature not set previously telTransferRej = -10045 •transfer request rejected telTransferErr = -10044 •transfer not prepared telConfRej = -10043 •conference request was rejected telConfErr = -10042 •conference was not prepared telConfNoLimit = -10041 •no limit was specified but required telConfLimitErr = -10040 •limit specified is too high for this configuration telFeatNotSupp = -10033 •feature program call not supported by this tool telFeatActive = -10032 •feature already active telFeatNotAvail = -10031 •feature subscribed but not available telFeatNotSub = -10030 •feature not subscribed telIntExtNotSupp = -10022 •internal external type not supported by this tool telBadIntExt = -10021 •bad internal external error telStateNotSupp = -10020 •device state not supported by tool telBadStateErr = -10019 •bad device state specified telIndexNotSupp = -10018 •index not supported by this tool telBadIndex = -10017 •bad index specified 1)telNoTools •no telephone tools found in extension folder 2)dsTraceErr •trace mode error 3)cmNoTools 4)ftNoTools 4)kQAOutOfVideoMemory •There is not enough VRAM to support the desired context dimensions 5)kRT_not_segmented 6)tmNoTools errAEPropertiesClash = -10025 •illegal combination of properties settings for Set Data make new or duplicate errAECantPutThatThere •in make new duplicate etc. class can't be an element of container telDNDTypeNotSupp •DND type is not supported by this tool = -10024 errAENotAnEnumMember •enumerated value in SetData is not allowed for this property =telBadDNDType •bad DND type specified = -10023 1)errAEWriteDenied 2)telCAUnavail •a CA is not available 3)errOSACantAssign •Signaled when an object cannot be set in a container. Same as AERegistry error errAEWriteDenied = -10006 1)errAETypeError 2)telBadTermErr •invalid TELHandle or handle not found = -10001 1)errAEReadDenied 2)telBadProcErr •bad msgProc specified = -10005 1)errAEPrivilegeError 2)telBadHandErr •bad handle specified = -10004 1)errAENoUserSelection 2)telBadVTypeErr •bad volume type error = -10013 1)errAENotModifiable 2)telBadCAErr •TELCAHandle not found or invalid 3)OSAIllegalAssign •Signaled when an object can never be set in a container. Same as AERegistry error errAENotModifiable = -10003 1)errAENotASingleObject 2)telVTypeNotSupp •volume type not supported by this tool = -10014 1)errAENotAnElement 2)telNoOpenErr •unable to open terminal = -10008 1)errAENoSuchTransaction 2)telBadLevelErr •bad volume level setting = -10012 1)errAELocalOnly 2)telAPattNotSupp •alerting pattern not supported by tool = -10016 1)errAEInTransaction 2)telHTypeNotSupp •hook type not supported by this tool = -10011 1)errAEIndexTooLarge 2)telNoMemErr •no memory to allocate handle = -10007 errAEEventFailed = -10000 1)errAECantUndo 2)telBadAPattErr •bad alerting pattern specified = -10015 errAECantSupplyType = -10009